Utila is fairly cheap compared to the States and Europe. For more details of spending take a look at the costs page.
Depending on the season, the number of volunteers can vary from 4-6 and in low seasons there can be 1-2 volunteers.
Please take a look at the equipment page for a list of suggested clothes.
There are no venimous snakes and no lethal spiders on the island.
We require that volunteers are here for a minimum of three weeks, but you can volunteer for as long as you like.
Utila is one of the best places for diving in the Caribbean. Station volunteers can do their Open Water Diving course at a reduced price as part of an agreement between the Station and Utila. There are also a number of public beaches. You can go horse riding, parasailing and snorkeling and on whale shark safaris.
You will stay at the Iguana Station, wich has living accommodation for 16 people in rooms that sleep 2 to 4 people. Your accommodation at the Station is included in your volunteering fee, but the fee does not include any meals.
There is a fully equipped kitchen with utensils, stove and refrigerator. There are double and triple rooms with fans, bathrooms and toilets shared at the station. We have laundry service and free internet connection for volunteers.
We cannot provide you with medical advice, but you will need some vaccinations for your stay in Utila. We recommend you seek medical advice in your home country in respect of vaccinations.
We cannot provide you with medical advice, but you may wish to take anti-malarials. We recommend you seek medical advice in your home country in respect of malaria medication.
We have volunteers of all ages, from 18 years to 70. The minimum age to volunteer is 18 years.
As a general rule, all volunteers upon arriving in Utila can take a local motorcycle taxi for a cost of $ 1.30 (Lps. 30.00) and say that they take them to the Iguana Station “Iguana Station”. The tour is 5-7 minutes.
You do not need to speak Spanish to work at the station as the staff all speak English. English is widely spoken on Utila. However, it is cheap to learn Spanish on the island, therefore you may wish to take lessons.
Depending on your citizenship you will get a VISA on arrival for the period of 90 days or you have to obtain a VISA in advance in your home country (or another hondurian embassy). US citizens get a CA-4 entry permit.
1. Citizenzs of following countries can get a tourist VISA for 90 days on entry: Canada, most European nations (e.g. Germany, UK), Australia, New Zealand, Japan.
Extension of VISA is possible on local immigration authorities (also available in Utila).
2. US citizens may enter the CA-4 area (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua) for up to 90 days as a tourist and can travel and cross land borders within this area. CA-4 means Central America-4 Border Control Agreement. Staying longer needs leaving CA-4 area to Belize or Costa Rica (closest options) for 72 hours. Exceeding the 90 days will result in a fine of 150 USD. Your passport must be valid for at least six months after entry. You also need to have a return or onward ticket to be admitted to Honduras. Upon arrival, you will be issued a tourist card in the form of a slip of yellow paper stapled into your passport, your passport need a blank page for this.
3. Citizens from following countries need a VISA in advance, you usually register at the hondurian embassy in your home country:
1. Azerbalyan (Azerbaijan)
2. Benin
3. Bhutan
4. Burkina Faso
5. República de Borundi
6. Bolivia (Diplomaticos-exentos)
7. Cabo Verde
8. Camboya
9. Camerun
10. Chad
11. Comoras
12. Costa de Marfil
13. Djibouti
14. Dominica
15. Egipto
16. Filipinas
17. Gabon
18. Gambia
19. Georgia
20. Granada
21. Guinea
22. Guinea Bissau
23. Guinea Ecuat
24. Guyana
25. Jamaica
26. Kazakhstan
27. Kenya
28. Kyrgyzstan
29. Kiribati
30. Lesohto
31. Malawi
32. Maldivas
33. Marruecos
34. Mauricio
35. Mauritania
36. Micronesia (Estados Federales)
37. República de Moldova (Moldavia)
38. Myanmar
39. Namibia
40. Nauru
45. Niger
46. Palau
47. Papua Nueva Guinea
48. Peru
49. Republica Centroafricana
50. Roanda (Rwanda)
51. Samoa
52. Senegal
53. Serbia y Montenegro (Antiguamente Republica Federativa de Yugoslavia)
54. Seychelles
55. Suriname
56. Swazilandia
57. Republica Unida de Tailandia Tanzania
58. Tayikistan
59. Togo
60. Tonga
61. Tunez
62. Turkmenistan
63. Uganda
64. Uzbekistan
65. Zambia
66. Zimbawe
67. Afganistan Estado Islamico
68. Albania
69. República de Angola
70. Argelia
71. Armenia
72. Asmara Eritrea
73. República Popular de Bangladesh
74. República de Bosnia y Herzegovina
75. Botswana
76. República Popular de China
77. Congo
78. República Democratica de Congo
79. República Popular Democratica de Corea (Corea del Norte)
83. Cuba
84. Eritrea (Estado deAsmara)
85. Etiopia
86. Ghana
87. Haiti
88. India
89. Indonesia
90. República de Irak
91. República Islamica del Iran
92. Jordania Reino Hachemita de (Diplomaticos-exentos)
93. República Democratica Popular de Laos
94. Libano
95. Liberia
96. Libia Popular y Socialista (Jamahirya Arabe Libia )
97. Mali
98. Mongolia
99. Mozambique
100. Nepal
101. Republica Federal de Nigeria
102. Oman
103. República Islamica de Pakistan (Diplomaticos-exentos)
104. República de Sierra Leona
105. República Arabe de Siria
106. República Democratica Somalia
107. República Socialista Democratica de Sri Lanka
108. República de Sudan
109. Timor Oriental
110. Vietnam
111. Yemen
112. Palestina
113. Republica Arabe de Saharaui Democratica